Spend it all, shoot it, play it, lose it all, right away, every time. Something more will arise for later, something better. These things fill from behind, from beneath, like well water.
[Annie Dillard]

and she said:

“It’s just—I get the cheap Greek yogurt, and then a clove of garlic—they call for tons of garlic, but I don’t need it to be dragon-fire-breathing strong, so I put in one. And then salt and pepper. And oh, the cucumbers—they say to cut out the seeds and put it in a food processor or something, but I thought, that’s ridiculous—the crunchy part is the best part! And the seeds are crunchy. So I leave the seeds in, and chop it up fine. And they say to put in olive oil, but I only put a little. And then they say red wine vinegar but I put in white balsamic. You know, a tablespoon or so for a cup. They also say to drain the Greek yogurt, but I did that once, in a sieve, and it didn’t make any difference. So I don’t. Really simple.”